

Rochester, New York




Certifications and Credentials:

Certified Professional Life Coach

Relevant Experience:

I am an alumni of Christian Coach Institute and have earned my Certified Professional Life Coach certification. I have many years of leadership experience both in ministry and in the corporate arena. I also have years of experience mentoring youth as a youth group leader. As a husband, I also offer years of marriage & relationship experience.

Coaching Methods:

Phone, Video, In Person

Rate (per session):

$150 - $249 per session

Please request information for rates:

Marketing Message:

I work with men & women who struggle with inaction. I help them identify roadblocks that may be sabotaging their progress, so that they can live full and fulfilled lives. What sets me apart is my ability to listen deeply. I use empathy & deep listening to get beneath the surface and help my clients gain new perspectives and find renewed motivation to go after the things that matter most to them.